It's been awhile since my last post, and since then some amazing things have been happening in my life. If you know me then you know what I'm talking about. I have fallen in love with an amazing girl, and i was asked to share my side of the story of how it happened, so this will be my attempt in doing so. But before I share about that, i wanna give you some back ground on myself. My parents aren't Christians and they we're never married, so i grew up in a world view of things and ideas. And i also spent a good deal of my life in the public school system, so my idea of love and relationships was pretty twisted. I grew up thinking if you liked someone and they liked you then you just jump in a relationship with no guidelines and eventually one of you would lose entrust and the relationship would be over, then you move on to the next. So for years i went from being in one relationship to another, getting hurt over and over again. It's funny, at the time you think you have found love and that person is like the sun and everything revolves around that person. Back in 2010 I started getting mentored by Kevin Brown, and at the same time he was going through some series and things about love, and he started to share a whole different view of love i had never heard. He started sharing that love isn't based on feelings and that God has to be the center, and its not this idea of bouncing from one relationship to the next, its about so much more. So i started seeking God, and i found growing strong in Him and His love was all i needed. So that's all i focused on. And then i went to Marine Core boot camp, and all i had was God, i had to rely on Him in everything i did. It was one of the hardest things in my life i have ever been through, but while i was there i got a letter from Katy brown, and for some reason it brought so much joy into my life. I at first couldn't understand why?.. I knew reading her words to me made me extremely happy and every time we got mail i would hope that had something from her. Then Kevin and the whole brown family including Katy came down to my graduation last October and I felt this attraction to Katy i had never felt before. I was home for 10 days before i left again, and during those days all i wanted was to spend time with Katy and just find out more and more about her. For years ever since i was 17 i had been going to Mt Pleasant Church, and had spent alot of time around her, as a friend. But i knew then i wanted more than just being her friend, so i started praying about it alot. I wasn't sure if it was Gods will and i just didn't wanna be in a relationship based on how i felt, but what God plan was and what he wanted. So a month and a half past and i came back home for Christmas, i went bowling with the brown family and spent some quality time with Katy. Then the Wednesday before i left i was with Kevin, doing the usual, going to chick fil a and iron men and stuff, and that's when Kevin brought it up...he wanted to know if i had any intentions on being in a relationship with his daughter, and after a couple deep breaths i told him i had feelings but wasn't a 100 percent sure and that i wanted to continue to pray about it. So i left again and i started to talk to Katy more and more and finally felt it was of God. So me and Kevin had another conversation in where i told him what my intentions were. I told him i wanna be with Katy, and grow in the Lord and protect her and her heart. So i asked Kathryn and she said yes, I went in this relationship desiring more than just feelings and a few dates...I asked myself could i spend the rest of my life with her, can i see myself marrying her, is she a girl after Gods heart. And since January i have found that i love her and i know she loves God and in everything we do, we both wanna put God first, for He is the foundation and without Him our relationship is nothing. So with all that said, i encourage anyone reading this that, even though you have made mistakes, you can change. God has been so good to me and has restored me in all ways. If you seek Him, He will give you the desires of your heart. So stay strong, don't give yourself away and fall into dead relationships. I don't regret my past mistakes because they have made me who i am today, i have learned from them. Don't rush, be patient and rely on God. So that's my side of the story, i hope it encourages you. Love comes when you least expect it.
Wow. I'd love to meet her!